I've been told few-X now that Israel is not in the continent of Africa, Northeast Africa, and that it is on the Continent of Southwest Asia?
2015-03-12 09:01:46 UTC
But no one has told me why that is as I have to disagree due to the fact that the African scholars I have been following such Yosef Ben Jochannon, Chancellor Williams, Dr. Henrick Clarke, Dr. Walter Williams and other African Scholars seem to disagree with this notion. They all seem to agree that there's no such thing as middle east, and that it's Northeast Africa. Who should I agree with, honest, passionate, Native african scholars, or deceitful European scholars, scholars that convolute the history and perception of the geographical lands, and lie, just to make themselves look better and feel superior?

Can you give me some substantial geographical, geological, historical facts as to why Israel is to the contrary not located in the Northeast part of the African Continent and instead in the Asian southwest part of the continent? I'm quite confused and need some clarification.
One answer:
Gary C
2015-03-12 09:41:44 UTC
The names and boundaries of continents are a matter of common convention.

You can say that Chicago, Illinois is in Asia, and that Timbuktu is in Central America, but unless a lot of other people agree to follow your new map, it doesn't mean much. Most people will just consider you to be wrong.

The people you mention are trying to prove some kind of point in favor of Pan-African nationalism. But wishing doesn't make it so.

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